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  • alantrinder

A shot in the Arm

Hi all

No flashy animated tracks today so why blog?

Well the reason is I went and got my 4th Covid vaccine shot yesterday.

As the onset of the pandemic Thailand seemed to have no coherent vaccination policy, infection rates appeared to be low, not that there was lots of evidence to suggest that enough testing was going on. A domestic producer had been licenced to manufacture the Astra Zeneca vaccine for Thailand and, if the publicity was to be believed, the whole of South East Asia.

So the complex procedures of licencing and acquiring vaccines from overseas was apparently not thought to be a priority.

Of course the locally produced stuff was going to be on time with supplies to spare we were assured... But... As just about everyone who lives in the region will know the schedule slipped and slipped and slipped leaving the vaccination dream in tatters.

Thankfully the Chinese came to the rescue 😷

Fighting an onslaught of anti vax factors like Bill Gates having supposedly licenced the chip implantation technology to the Chinese via his Huawei connections and the Trump marketing group advocating that it doesn't work public figures were seen in the press with needles in their arm.

Eventually the Government did realise they are going to have to buy some vaccine in from overseas and that this would cost money some limited vaccine supplies were vectored via the private sector.

And so it was that with no plan whatsoever for my Mrs. to receive her shots we purchased a course of Moderna.

However by the time the stuff started to appear (it wasn't exactly on the hoped for schedule) we had been jabbed via the state scheme but as the purchase was non refundable we elected to split the 2 doses and use them as boosters.

And that is why I had my 4th shot yesterday, arm a little tender but no real after effects to worry about.

I wouldn't want to leave you without a snap or 2 so here is one from the walk to pick up the new phone where I have done a little bit of PP;

I liked the texture...

And one where I have had a bit of a play with a view of the Roti stall;



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