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  • alantrinder

Brolly tales

Greeting all, my tests are negative for Covid and it's a good 10 days now so yesterday, I allowed myself a trip to pay a bill. I still mask of course , just to try and ensure there isn't a sneaky band of C-19 hiding ready to pounce.

The skies were grey but didn't look too bad so guess what? I left the brolly behind.

The rain gods thought "ha lets teach this numpty a lesson", well that's how it seems.

Here is the Relive;

Setting out and the skies were cloudy but looked ok, the mushrooms across the lane were certainly enjoying the weather;

Passing Promenada and the only business left operating;

The workmen were busily cutting the water pipe to size;

Onwards and Big C where the Bangkok Bank is no more...

I still needed cash, I know, there's an ATM upstairs;

OK I found another and setting out I decided it was time to try a coffee shop called Siri I had seen but never been to;

I needed to get on so I got the coffee to go and stepping outside I noticed the skie were looking rather threatening. By the time I had go to the roadworks the threat turned into reality, I took shelter at 7 eleven;

But wait, a few minutes on and the rain eased, maybe it was a short shower, I set out again but a couple of hundred metres and the heavens opened and I dived for cover.

I tried to call Mr T to rescue me from the rain but the phone remained unanswered so with the rain easing just a little I set out back to home.

Once there I got hold of a brolly and set out again to complete the mission, the sticky rice...

But I hadn't even go as far as the end of our lane when the sun came out, as it does and for the trip to the sticky rice shop and back I carried the folded brolly.

Wouldn't you just know it.


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