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  • alantrinder

Chill Cycle

Hello from a fuzzy headed blogger...

The plan for yesterday, a gentle cycle and a night at home with less booze and the like.

Well, we had a nice cycle...

The day started with a bit of toast and a coffee or two plus Moo looking for attention from Rick;

Then it was off on a gentle cycle, here is the Relive;

Here are a few of the snaps starting with the lovely little wat along the way. I have passed this wat many times but never called in, just look at what I have missed;

We also called at the elephant wood carving museum for coffee and a look round;

The little ones wanted to show us their pictures, really nice;

and then the cat wanted to be in on the action;

Here is another wat worth a look;

Then we were home.

In the evening we feasted on some of Pin's homemade Chiang Mai sausage;

And made a serious dent in the gin Francis brought with him.

Hence my need to flush it out with many a brew this morning...


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