Greeting to a bit of a blog catch up and this one is all about the return to the Women's Prison cafe for coffee after a long lay off due to the C, you know what I mean.
I had to drop my printer off to have a man that doesn't mind getting ink all over himself to give it a tweak and from there it was a nice little walk to meet Bill for coffee, here is the Relive;
And a few snaps starting with a far more common sight now, a poor person who looks to have fallen on hard times;

Across the road there was a samlor procession in honour of the Kings birthday.

I think this is a very pretty Wat;

The cafe is all clean and tidy now;

But I did miss the pot birds on the bushes on the way to the loo.
I took a snap of the bright and clean "Pop's" bike rental, maybe it will tempt some of my biking buddies back 😃

My final stop was at the Red Lion and a glass of red wine, this chap wasn't very chatty though...

Most enjoyable.