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  • alantrinder

Covid, Cannabis but NO Booze

Greetings all Hope you are well.

You may have been wondering what has happened to the brilliant blogs so much admired in literary circles of late, the answer is, just to keep up with the Joneses, I have tested positive for the monster that resides under the bed commonly known as Covid.

This is the first time I have tested positive for the virus although I have wondered if I actually got it in January 2020 from a friend who the medics had something they couldn't pin down. But anyway, I have it now and most cunningly the bloody thing disguised itself as a summer cold.

Not a kiddy cold, I am talking a full on man cold, only one step down from man flu but a cold nevertheless. This got me thinking, where did this bug come from?

Now Donald Trump may possibly tell you it was manufactured by the Chinese as a weapon of mass destruction that escaped and, well, the rest is history.

Did he have a bad Chinese takeaway or something? Covid, Huawei? he doesn't like the Chinese it seems...

Or did it jump species fish to man? bat to man? That's a bit more credible I suppose.

High on my list of where it came from is outer space rather like the scenario posed in the book "The Andromeda Strain" by Michael Crichton and if you have never read that I think it is worth a look or a listen. The big difference, maybe the Chinese weren't so good at isolating the thing.

I guess it could also have just developed here on earth, a new lifeform but I rather think that maybe, just maybe, it has been around for yonks, probably in a pretty ineffective variant until, for reasons we just don't know the mutations took a sharp turn in 2019 and it became a killer strain.

Of course some of us fought back as we are now able to do and improved our resistance to the beast. Some did not, telling or believing the conspiracy theories, some of them may well have paid a heavy price.

It's not just our efforts that have saved the world form the pandemic, the viruses committee that determines which mutation to go forward realised the error of their ways and looked to revert to a less virulent variant and that is where we are now.

As for me, I haven't a fever, never had which makes determine when I can rejoin society a little more difficult but I am getting there, I will give it a few more days and if pretty much symptomless see if the telling line on the strip appears.

One of my friends suggested the drug alcohol as an effective anti Covid therapeutic, not that he said it would cure me, he just suggested it may make the time pass a little more pleasantly😜.

That brings me to the second part of my short story...

We have just concluded a couple of days religious holidays here, Buddhist lent, and whilst for most Buddhist nations self improvement is the path, here in Thailand the powerful prohibitionists believe in "do as I say".

Thus along with a whole host of other rather uniquely Thai laws (which many Thais themselves, rather than suggesting should be changed, simply ignore anyway), the sale of alcohol is forbidden by law.

Is it a big deal? Depends on what you had on for the day I guess but this is Thailand but what made me smile is how the new and old laws seem a little out of sync.

Yes for 2 day you can't buy alcohol but...

With the newly legalised status of cannabis, I have seen no restrictions on the sale of that for the religious holiday, now where's my Scooby snackđŸ˜”â€đŸ’«.

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