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  • alantrinder

CT Stroll

Hello all, hope you are fine and dandy.

Some of you may know that I was diagnosed with cancer last year and had surgery to remove the tumour.

The surgery was deemed to have been a success and yesterday, 6 months later, I had a follow up CT scan to have a look see if all was still OK.

So starved of food and drink I turned up at the hospital and had blood taken out and contrast media injected in.

The technology having done it's bit (it talks to you as well as measures but I think it would be nicer if it read you a story rather than just said "breath in" etc) I grabbed a hot chocolate.

Then a walk. Here is the Relive;

For breakfast passing some of Chiang Mai's wonderful Wats;

And the Police where I still don't quite know what this piece is depicting?

This is a lovely frontage;

And soon I was at Breakfast world;

Further on and this interested me, a look on life;

The final stop on the walk was the Red Lion although the route did take me home along the way.

I grabbed some water and a glass of wine before taking a Grab ot the hospital for my results.

Quite a Tuesday for me in Chiang Mai.


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