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  • alantrinder

Homeward Bound

Greetings all, it's the last blog on the short break from last week and there are some pics and the like but mostly it was a day driving so let me start by saying the Relive as nice if you are into checking a driving route today.

But lets start with some photos and do you recall yesterday than my evening meal was about as light as it comes, nothing? Here is a snap to remind you;

You may therefore recall that my friend CC (ChiangMai Charlies) had a nice looking one if the same served to him and he said it was lovely. Well he kindly sent me one of his excellent pictures so I could show you all. He is an Huawei users so the Chinese secret services will have already seen it and you never know, decided to come to enjoy it themselves when travel to Thailand returns. Here it is;

Now to the trip home, starting nice and early as it is essential, whenever Mrs T goes to Bang Saen we empty out wallets at the seafood market, I hung about by the sea with the monsters as they shopped;

Google map navigation then took us across this incredible causeway sometimes called the Chonlamakwithi Bridge;

There were quite a few cockle pickers out in the bay.

Then onto the superhighways and a stop for breakfast to refuel;

Later a fuel stop where this Buddha had been abducted 😀;

And soon we were home and should you want to see the track animated here it is;

Trip over...

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