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  • alantrinder

Khao Man Gai another day, Laptop fettled Today

The khao man gai shop on the main drag has relocated and as there was a request from my girls to have this dish today I was tasked with finding the new location and making the purchase.

All this had to be done before the clever man from ASUS came to sort my Wi-Fi issues with the flashy new lapdog which is my now current main gateway to all things...

Add to that a desire to replenish the wine supply and you have a shop in Promenada.

All can be Relived;

As you will see from the Relive I did spot the shop but the only thing is I didn't know that this was the new place as the address was different to my understanding and I normally recognise it by the staff anyway.

There was no sign of the frantic serving of delicious food so not knowing if I had the correct "new" place I continued on for a close to 2km before admitting defeat and calling my wife to tell her of the bad news. Fortunately she had been chatting to a friend who suggested it was on the way to the crematorium so off I set retracing my steps.

On the way I came upon this novel bit of parking, was it a skilful manoeuvre or a drunken error 😮

I got to the Soi and turned down walking to the crematorium.

There was no sign of anyone serving khao man gai but fortunately a nice lady at a local shop who was rather surprised to see a farang in her neighbourhood it seemed said it was back from where I had come...

Sure enough it was the shop I had first seen and this time I saw familiar faces working away to make the venue ready for opening.

No khao man gai today so off I went back home dodging the huge amount of traffic there seems to be just now with the road works many of whom are so impatient they will take the side area off the main carriageway pedestrians on not;

Thankfully I managed to her home in one piece, in fact for quite a way I was moving faster than the cars anyway...

The clever man came and did lots and lots to my new pc which it seems is now in top shape, that makes me very happy so off I went to Promenada to celebrate!

On the way I saw this chap, he looked to have set his camp up for the night with his worldly possessions close by and his laundry out to dry. The Covid crisis has had a huge effect on some, so sad to see...

Onwards and a look at the small park area by the highway maintenance depot and the post Fred Dibnah display where you can sit and eat your picnic;

Then a nice coffee in Chic café and a bit of shopping.

And the short walk home.

Time to have more dark roast...



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