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  • alantrinder

Mad Dogs and Englishmen

Go out in the midday sun! That's how it goes I think.

Greetings and given I live in the tropics and we are approaching the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere I do admit to getting a bit warm on my walks especially if there is no shade and it is midday.

But as we had to go to the south of the moat once we had done was was to do, Pin got behind the wheel and drove the monsters home and I went exploring. Here as if you were to expect is the Relive of the rather interesting trip.

Here are a few snaps of some highlights and to start with I wanted to revisit Wat Sri Suphan, often referred to as the silver wat.

From there I went toward a lesser known silver wat and along the way I saw this and wondered if some of my biker friends may be interested the next time they come over???

From there it is a short stroll to Wat Muen San, a lesser know silver temple with hardly any of the tourism additions but it shouldn't be missed.

My next waypoint was Chi Chang on Chang Mai Land, They have just developed this place into their main showroom with the demise of the huge and rather good Promenada place they had. Google maps routed me via some interesting places including this impressive Wat arch;

Then it seems the route took me by the stinky canal in the midst of the clean up activities;

On I went past the bridge over the canal and a shrine by a durian store, I think durian needs a shrine 😋

The road turned into s dirt track and almost a different world from just a short way before;

The people were ever so friendly and a short way on I met this family that greeted me with a smile;

Soon I was at the main airport road, what a contrast;

Then on to Chi Chang, where I felt sorry that they are placed in the position that a flagship store was pulled from under their feet and they have had to make rapid adjustments. This store for me is way too small and had such a small about of display space.

You can get online they said but for me some things just have to be tried first.

Such a shame;

I crossed the iron bridge I think this chap was gathering ingredients for todays meal, nice and fresh;

I thought I would include a snap of this considerate driver that clipped my are as they pulled in to let their passengers out, and then just drove off;

And this snap just because it interested me 😊;

More indications that the country is moving to getting on with living with Covid as I saw Fort Kawila Hospital has reopened;

At the level crossing and here is the last snap on the walk, a little bit of décor to brighten the travellers day;

A longish walk on the longest day... Take care all.

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