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  • alantrinder

Mellow Mae Kuang, Taxing Trek

Greetings and we a re well into the 1st week of April.

The earlier days of rain has cleared leaving blue skies and clean air and Mae Kuang can be so pretty when it is like that so Bill suggested a short walk and I was very happy to have been invited. Relive the stroll here;

As you can see from the Relive the this is such a nice place to be, here is the start;

And the splash of colour so start the walk;

We didn't walk far starting the return trip at the barrier, not before Bill had checked his "wearable" tech. Seems like such a change from my dads generation who never really got the hang of the most basic of mobile phones 😉.

We were very interested in some of the seeds the area had on display, here is a grass I decided to snap then mess about with in on the PC after;

There are also 2 different types (we think) of 'copter seeds as we used to call them as kids, similar to the sycamore seeds but bigger;

Bill kindly held has fallen nuts in his hands for comparison;

All to soon we were back;

After such a nice walk there was just one thing we could think of to complete the morning, a nice brew at "Sod" Suan beer and café garden;

Back on the Burn and home for lunch before the more essential afternoon activity of renewing the tax and insurance on the Burg.

Essential chare it may be but there is no reason to make the best of it so I hopped on the cycle which, if the blog title puzzled you, is a TREK brand cycle, here is the Relive;

And that was Tuesday here in sunny Chiang Mai'



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