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  • alantrinder

Mid October Weekend

Hi and welcome to another blog about the day to day life of older folk, well me not a whole community.

When you gather the years, they don't creep past, they rush past at a rate of knots and as if in a blink of the eye, this weekend marked the halfway point of October.

Before you can say fandabbydozy it will be halloween, bonfire night in the UK (where listening to events maybe the British politicians should be just a little worried), Loy Krathong and Xmas. Yes we do celebrate Xmas here in Thailand, as long as there is money to be made...

So what have I been up to this weekend?

Amazingly, given that Friday, Saturday and Sunday all included hostelry patronage, I still am able to recall the events, mind you it does help that the mobile tech wecords ones every move nowadays and so here, with the aid of the rather clever Relive app, is my weekend wanders starting with some sticky rice;

And then a nice little walk to the Red Lion for Sunday roast on Saturday and footy;

Did you see the chap sat with his bottle of white spirit thai whiskey?

Here is a close up, maybe it helps him cope with life...

Then before you knew it, it was Sunday and after a video chat with my sister it was time to set out for a curry at Spices then more footy at the Red Lion;

Whoosh, the weekend has passed into history, best have a brew.


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