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  • alantrinder

Moo update

Sunday was day 3 of Moos outpatient visits to the hospital for her iv

And she is better for it!

When we got her home, she has a little more energy and she actually ate something of her own accord!

We are not kidding ourselves; she spends the largest time in her basket straying out only for a drink and if we take her out for a pee. I confess I am so happy to see her manage the steps back up to the house to get back in her basket.

So, having dropped Moo off for her day at hospital I, as I do, set out walking, here is the Relive;

Yes, I got my hair cut.

We collected Moo later in the afternoon and was told to bring her back tomorrow for blood tests so that is the plan for this morning.

Just one more thing, a few days ago our old microwave went pop, so I purchased another and being the type of bloke I am I opted for one of those fancy tech things that can do everything short of stuff the chicken for you, microwave, oven, grill, air fry, steam the lot...

But the first time I used it I selected microwave and oven comb not just microwave.

The plate I was using to cover the food wasn't quite up to that 😣



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