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  • alantrinder

Ruddles Reward

You have heard me grumble about the backward admin of the UK government requiring craps of paper to be relayed across the globe in direct conflict of any environmental policy the politicians say they have.

Not that my views make any difference to the smooth running of HM paper pushers and so, it was that I needed to get my little paper slip that declares there is still life in the old bod had to be done.

So shortly before 9am yesterday I set out on a stroll to my doctor, after all who better to verify I am alive and not one of the walking dead.

Relive? Of course...

Using my GP for this service is not just a matter of the signature on a piece of paper, oh no!

My weight, blood pressure, O2saturation and temperature all had to be checked, how thorough is that 😊.

Not that the paper pushers want that detail...

But all was done, and declaration duly witnessed and certified off I went in search of carrots.

This was followed by a nice pint of Ruddles at the #Red Lion English Pub Chiang Mai (just trying this hashtag thingy)

Of course, I have tweaked the original image a little, I do that.

I also tweaked this one, the original you will have seen on the Relive.

And this was on the Relive as well in its untweaked form,

Anyway, Wix tell me I won't be able to add anymore pics soon unless I cross their palm with dosh so maybe you won't need to look at the snaps for much longer 😭.


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