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  • alantrinder

Saturday Sorting Stuff

Hi di hi and all,

What's there to sort? My desktop PC which went on strike, or at least the Microsoft bit of it did and it wasn't having anything to do with booting Windows.

Of course I have a rescue stick, well I thought I did but what do you know, it wasn't what it said on the tin so off to Chi Chang my preferred IT fettlers;

I carefully passed the guard dog and arranged the repair;

Next item, "on the list" as it were, was to meet my friend for coffee, passing the temporarily closed Ploen Ruedee night market;

Not so temporary as it turned out...

Then Chapter 2wo for coffee;

The café cat was full of fun and made us smile;

Here is the Relive of that little stroll;

Coffee over and I managed to inadvertently turn the Garmin off so you get to see another Relive 😁

I had planned to go home and then come back for the PC but a leisurely and very tasty curry at Spices followed by the devil in the form of red wine at the Red Lion tempted me to just chill then stroll back to Chi Chang.

And that is how I spent my Saturday 😁

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