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  • alantrinder

The Mockery World Cup Starts Today

Here we go here we go here we go blah blah or is it Blat Blatter.

I really have no idea who or what is doing who or what to who or what.

For a start off, how on earth was awarding footballs global showpiece to a nation with no real footballing experience a good move?

Yes they have the cash to build the stadiums but how, without influencing the awarding body, was this bid seen as credible, never mind impossible.

And don't think I lay the blame at Qatar's feet, they did what they do, let the money and the political (it will bring football to the middle east etc) arguments sway they day.

Having said I don't lay this farce at Qatar's feet, I mean not all of it.

I can't believe that the bid was made without more than an line of thought that once awarded, the momentum would carry things down a slippery slope but far far away from the original direction...

Summer tournament in airconditioned stadiums (stadia if you prefer). But well I never, that can't be done and the tournament needs to be changed to a winter tournament.

Well strike me down with a feather! To my mind that is a clear breach of the terms of the award (don't fifa have lawyers 😮?)

Surely the tournament should have been reassigned there and they when there was time to do so, but no, just like Maggie, fifa were not for turning.

I am not going to continue other than to bring up the laters one...

No alcohol at Stadiums With days to go all the previous assurances if they were assurances of alcohol tolerance at the tournament are summarily thrown out into the gulf.

Did they ever intend to have a summer tournament and allow alcohol at this global showpiece? Really???

Plus Sepp and high insight, FFS, high insight, you need high insight to have foreseen this mess?

I could start likening this to things like a holiday you could think you have booked but I have said enough, I am just going to leave the last words to the wonderful chap, Ian Holloway;

Time for a beer I think...

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