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  • alantrinder

Upsetting times

There have been many times of sorrow in the last few weeks, close to home our wonderful girl, Moohan is coming to the close of her time with us.

She has been slowing for a few weeks now, so the day started pretty much as usual, and I had a meeting to attend so off I set to walk to the venue.

On the way I spotted that some wasps had bested on a road sign. The sign and post are metal by the way...

But about an hour into the walk, Pin called me, very distressed about Moo and how she seemed unable to really do much.

I returned immediately and we took her to the hospital.

We left her there having an iv, fluids and antibiotics, her blood tests indicated she is very ill, yes, she is old but let's try to ensure an infection is not worsening things.

We could only wait now so we returned home and Satang waited by the window for her sister to return.

After a light lunch I set out to walk for a Dr appointment, the sun was fiercer than I thought and even with factor 60 on I ended up being quite burnt.

After the Dr to chat over my blood test results and I chatted to Pin about how Moo was.

Soon after Moo was now home and a little perkier, I walked into the city, a few drinks by myself and dinner before returning home, here is the Relive.

And a few snaps along the way

and the wine video again

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