Not elementary my dear Watson, the name of a bar, or is it??? My friend #ChiangmaiCharlies refers to is as Zenon whereas I used to call it neon but adopted a corruption of Zenon, Zeon (because I can't spell Zenon).
My tag of neon was because of the lighting which is why I have included Xenon although I think the colour isn't that characteristic of said element.
What do you think?
Anyway, that is apparently the last snap I can upload to this Wix site unless I cross their palm with dosh. I need time to work out my best option on this pay a bit? Get a better site name and all sorts of stuff? Suggestions welcome.
Meanwhile what I was actually up to yesterday was a walk to post my proof of life in the morning and of course I recorded that on Relive, here it is.
Then, and here is where the Zenon bit comes in, my friend suggested a beer at the Zenon bar in the evening.
Loads of great snaps but just for now you will have to make do with the Relive.